Sunday Stitching

My finger tips are still sore from hand quilting "Love Blooms Here" so I don't know how much I'll get done but I'll do my best. Yes, I used a thimble....{ Plus it's Father's Day}..... It's my left hand, the underneath fingers are the ones that are sore.
Anyway, this is what I'll be working on. I'll give it another go.
My Hexies

I started a new quilt BTW. But I'll save that for Design Wall Monday.

I'm linked to Slow Sunday Stitchin.

It was a cool one yesterday. 60's and cloudy. Today the same except there will be some sun..It will turn very warm towards the end of the week. 90*yuk. Thank God for central air. I'm definitely a cold weather Gal.

Well, til next time my sweet Peeps.💗

Thank you for your comments


  1. I understand your finger pain. I hope you can work on those pretty hexies. I look forward to seeing your new quilt project.

  2. Beautiful project, I can understand why your fingers hurt.

  3. There's a lot of stitching in hexies I imagine, not that I've ever done any
    Your project looks lovely.

  4. Your hexie design is beautiful. Maybe it's time for some machine stitching while your finger recuperates. (Hum, do you have holes in the under finger? You might try some Neosporin to help it heal if you do.)


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